Monday, July 25, 2011

Missing Both of You!

Sis and Cecilia had touched down Houston few days ago. Our home become silent without their presence. I was a bit upset the next day after they left. My brain keep recalled the scenes when Cecilia chatting with me at grandma's room, when we dance together at the living room in the dark as whole Sandakan black out, when sis keep telling Cecilia to play her violin well and she played with her frowned face and her singing! Sis and I did quarrel sometimes but inside our heart we still care for each other and that's call family! Argh..missing them heaps.

I told my husband about it and he told me to be happy. He said that we can't keep everyone beside us always. Thus we should appreciate every single time when we get together. Then only I realize that I have not travel together with sis and parents together before to somewhere outside Malaysia. I should plan it in the future when they are coming back again. I guess it will be fun as my baby can play with Cecilia :)

Family picture on father's day. 
Cecilia with gong gong.
Cecilia with her dearest mommy.
Love you Cecilia~