Sunday, November 13, 2011

3 Months Old.

Little Tarey, you are 3 months and 9 days old today. Last Sunday, daddy and mummy brought you to visit Dr Chin for your second dose of Rotavirus and Hexa jab. You were so good girl as you finished up all the rotavirus syrup (not wasting any) and just cried a little after Dr poke the needle on your thigh. You were weighted 6.4kg and 59.5 cm long. Dr did some assessment on you and assure me that you are growing very well. Keep up the good work Tarey!!

Tarey, you started so cranky the night before daddy leaves to Algiers. You used to sleep very well on mummy's chest but you rejected now. You still so cranky today, keep crying and crying! Mummy wondering if you miss daddy? You didn't see daddy around so you cry? Don't worry sweetie, we will be moving to Algiers soon. You will be able to see daddy everyday soon. Mummy promise you :)

Be happy sweetie!! Just like when you receive pressie from daddy. You were so excited when laid down on the gym mat with all the toys hanging above. Both daddy and mummy feel that you are just too cute :)

Mummy introduced a new friend to you, baby Patrick so that he can accompany you to sleep every night. You started to explore him by pinching his nose. Love you Tarey!!

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