Friday, March 11, 2011

A Pleasant Surprise!

Baby oh baby...mummy got a little surprise from you yesterday. We went for a meet up with Dr accompany by  grandma. Dr saying that your brain and backbone are growing very well that made mummy happy about it. So mummy asked Dr about your gender. Dr told mummy that he saw two tiny balls near your thigh. "Two tiny balls" so mummy and grandma automatically thought that you were a baby boy. And immediately Dr stopped my thinking saying that if you are a boy, you should be showing three tiny balls instead. Oh you are a baby girl!

Mummy started to imagine your little body in pink dress with a butterfly hairband on your head. Mummy just can't wait to dress you like a princess. You will be daddy & mummy, priceless gift from God and baby girl, please continue to grow healthy. All this while, mummy thought you were a boy and sorry that mummy had a wrong intuition. From now onwards, mummy will look at more pinky stuff :)

In three weeks time, we will be flying to KL to meet your daddy and start our shopping spree. We will be meeting Dr again the day before onboard. Baby oh you feel excited to meet up with daddy?

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