Monday, December 5, 2011

4 Months Old.

Sweetie, you are 4 months old today. You are 62 cm long and 7.4kg now. You just had your pneumococcal 2nd dose today.You are really naughty. You always making trouble whenever I place you at the rocker. You seems want to be carry every minute and second. You love to play with your saliva too.You have started to babbling a lot lately. Mummy just love to talk to you. We can share secrets together now.

You have not show any symptom of roll over. Mummy cant't wait to see you reach another milestone!! You are such a darling to both daddy and mummy. Continue to grow healthily my love :)

Another surprise, you were chosen to be one of the model in BabyGlamour Closet 2012 Calendar!

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