Sunday, October 3, 2010

Memories in Huvafen Fushi, Maldives

Time flies and I miss Huvafen so much! My vacation in Maldives is one of the most relaxing trip so far. The environment, scenery and the breeze was so tempting and refreshing! Every night, hubby and I sleep soundly and woke up with a great weather welcoming us every morning. Don't forget the "naughty bird" that always try to steal our food :)
Introducing the "Naughty Bird".
 He prefers pancake than omlette.
 Funny pic taken by the waiter. And ya, I recorded how the "naughty bird" stole my pancake!
 A refreshing morning!

Basically, I could spend all my time in my room. The water bungalow is just too comfort! With the swimming pool in front of my bed and Bose surround sound, VIOLA~~~~~~~
 This is the most luxury hotel room I had so far...LOVE IT!

Another happy moments was the stingray feeding time. We were so close to them and of course I was afraid being stung by its tail.
Everyday, there is a stingray feeding time from 5PM to 6PM. There are 5 to 6 big stingrays swim to the shore to get their food.
Hubby went so near to the stingray! And the stingray keep flipping its arm to welcome hubby :)
Cocktail party with free flows of alcohols! And even my coconut was added with margarita.
 Finger foods were yummilicious too :)
Just camwhore under the tree. The wooden box that I sat was cold drinks storage.
Love this picture too.
 This is the snorkelling spot. We took some pictures before we get wet.
 Bed swing for you to enjoy the breeze from the ocean.
Afternoon walk can be romantic too!
Our "toy story" kite from Hamleys.
The infinity pool.
 Isn't that great???
 The mineral jacuzzi pool.
 Lazy around outside the library.
Ready for the SPA!
 Gym by the ocean~

Thanks hubby for the anniversary vacation and hope we have many many years more to be together. I have so much to share with you. Love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for these lovely photos at Huvafenfushi. I have featured one from here at