Sunday, August 8, 2010

Unhappy days....

I am sick, and had a wild guess that I might be hormone inbalance. Life is not good and I am dragging my daily life from day to day. Is good to be August I can't wait to go back visit my parents and have their pamper by next month. Mummy's love over the phone is definitely not enough and I need more such as mama's cooking and her warm smile to me. I still remember when I was home, anything that I want to eat, I will just let my papa know it the night before and the next breakfast will be ready on the dining table. My ordered was never easy, as I was picky to have certain food to add into my noodles and my papa always forgot something each time he packed my food. Papa will said "Gosh, I forgot" and Mama will cut my words replied to papa "You always forgot!"  Haha...something that I love to see every morning and that's why I still feel bless and love them very much.

I have done my list of food to have in KL and Sdk so that I won't miss anything that I missed. I am quite forgetfull these days...

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