Everyone has new resolution for the coming year. Even though I am not working, I am not earning but I still have mine for next year. Before this, I listed it out on my yearly diary and to be frank I almost achieved all of my resolutions so I am happy. Maybe I am just lucky or maybe my aim or wish was not high which makes myself easily to achieve it :) And this time, I am gonna list it out here since I have started to blog. It took me 2 days to think about it while I was cooking, showering or even cleaning the floors. What will be my resolution for next year?
(My personal goals)
I am expecting to conceive next year! Well, both of us have planned to have a baby (bunny year) in 2011 which means I need to start conceiving next year. I feel a little worry + nervous + excited because getting pregnant is like something that gonna change my life and my body as well. I have been reading those pregnancy books this year just to make sure I am well prepared for it. Then only I know, getting pregnant is like a big project. Lots of preparation needed to do before my body is ready to carry the womb. I think this will be my biggest resolution!
I hope I can get closer to GOD. I always claim myself a christian but I am not baptisted yet. I still go to temple because of my late brother. All this while, I think He really loves me and tolerate with my beliefs. He still continue showers me with happiness though I still pray at the temple for my brother. Maybe He understand that I am with him but just something in the past that I couldn't let it go. Thanks for the patience and I hope I will get more closer to you so that I am more complete.
Haha..and I am looking foward to change my attidude as well. Of course turn down those bad one and preserve the good one. I very easily get mad that will make my hubbie suffers a little. Why I said a little because my mood swing really fast that after got mad for 20 minutes I will be happy afterthat. And because I am planning to get pregnant, I need to have happy mind and stay calm in order to carry a healthy baby. I need to give a good example and good mummy reputation to my future children :) This could be my hardest resolution but I am definitely going to work it out.
I wanna start baking! Basically, I would like to start a few years ago but no time and no owen in the house makes me feel sluggish. My apartment here equipped with owen so I think it's time to learn some baking. As a beginner, I still prefer to learn from a teacher rather than from online recipes cause my knowledge of baking is near to zero.
Besides baking, I would like to kick start on forex too. Herm..we only invested in unit trusts and hubbie's ex company stock, so hubbie told me it's time we should learn to invest in forex. As usual, we will need to review, analyse and research before we start to invest. I think this gonna take some time but definitely will be one of my intention next year.
My personal goals for next year seems like too simple? Haha..that's what I am planning to do and it's hard to achieve too. For example: To bake a cake is easy but to bake a delicious cake is never too easy!And to get rid of bad habit (hot temper) is hard too! To me it's "medium- hard" to achieve but will try my best though.
And I realise, I no longer wish for promotion, increment or bonus as usual. Or maybe I do because if a family member added to us, I consider promoted too!(Promoted become a mummy) And I don't mind if hubbie wanted to give me increment or bonus..haha
(Travelling) We aim to visit as many country as we can, so next year we will try to continue our journey!
Japan- The plan to Japan is kinda confirm. We actually planned Japan for our honeymoon but due to time and money constraints, we delay it to next year. I have a high expectation for this and even plan after the trip then only start to conceive :)
Maldives- I slowly in love with oceans. Maybe we can go for a short trip in between. I believe 3 or 4 days will be sufficient to cover the trip.
USA- I wanted to visit my sis home since few years back. She even had moved from New Jersey to Houston but I still never visit her yet. We always ended up meet up in Sandakan or Kuala Lumpur. Well, the visa is a bit troublesome and I will need to see if we have the time or maybe I can go alone if hubbie permitted to do so.
Australia- Gold Coast will be our 1st choice if we get to visit Aussie. Hubbie's second bro studying in Queensland, so definitely will visit him one day or maybe wait until his graduation year. OMG, that will be 5 more years to go. I think Australia is big enough that we need to spend at least 10 days coz friends and familly are located at different states.
HongKong- I went to HongKong twice, but still hope to return for some shopping spree and their delicious food. Besides, tickets to HongKong is cheap if you are able to get those zero tickets from Air Asia. I am gonna be extra alert for promotions from AirAsia next year.
Haha..my travelling plan seems too pack. First, hubbie do not have such long leaves to cover all the places and secondly we try to save some money in the same time. But anyway, a Japan trip will be enough to fulfill my travelling plan and others will be bonus!
And, as usual I will wish/hope that all family members will be in good health, business running smooth, good results for government exams and everything is alrite. I know I may sound greedy but in my thoughts I can wish as many as I want, so faster make urs too!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
2009 Christmas-Dead Sea
This year hubbie gave me a massage package as my christmas present. I do not have any object as a remembrance but a sweet memory. We celebrated this christmas at Movenpick Resort, Dead Sea. We spend a night there with complimentary of buffet dinner and breakfast. We had our room upgraded from standard room to a premium room as hubbie wrote in the comment box that we will be having our honeymoon during the reservation. Well, we are happy with the upgrade as the room is with balcony and private swimmng pool! And, they gave us lots of souvenier which mostly are the minerals products from the Dead Sea. They even decorated our room with roses. I think we really got a great deal so don't remember to mention that you will be celebrating anniversary or honeymoon like us in order to get a free upgrade! Maybe not all hotels will be giving such upgrade but no harm for a try!
Okie, back to my chirtsmas pressie, it's actually a sunset couple massage. We will be having our massage open air while enjoying the sunset. We actually enjoyed the sunset after the massage coz the massage was too comfy and we fall asleep. I think pictures will be the best to describe about it :)
Okie, back to my chirtsmas pressie, it's actually a sunset couple massage. We will be having our massage open air while enjoying the sunset. We actually enjoyed the sunset after the massage coz the massage was too comfy and we fall asleep. I think pictures will be the best to describe about it :)
We get our foot massage before the body massage. You may see the water was muddy in colour, but it was not because of the dirty foot. They actually use the mineral mud to clean our foot.
We were served with arabic coffee while having the foot massage. Anyway, the coffee taste like " air longkang".
This is what I meant, the couple sunset massage :) Okie, we were not naked. I am wearing bikini and hubbie wearing his beach shorts.
After the massage, we were served cocktails while enjoying the sunset.
See...our therapists also took their chance to catch a sunset picture while waiting for us.
Overall, we were quite satisfied except for the price. We paid 250JD for the massage which is almost equivalent to RM 1250. We do understand that with this money we can have 12 times of body massage in Sri Petaling, but I guess hubbie just wanna give me something special and he did accomplished it! Thus, the money spent was still worth it :)
Another thing I would like to blog here in this entry is about the Dead Sea. Some of my friends did asked me what is the special or unique about it. Well, the Dead Sea is over 400 metres (1,312 ft.) below sea level. Being the lowest point on the face of the earth, this vast, stretch of water receives a number of incoming rivers, including the Jordan River. Once the waters reach the Dead Sea they are land-locked and have nowhere to go, so they evaporate, leaving behind a dense, rich, cocktail of salts and minerals that supply industry, agriculture and medicine with some of its finest products. Thus the mud from Dead Sea are like precious.
People normally will rub the mud all over their face and body. The mud is provided from Movenpick.
Aha..my "Ah Neh" hubbie...
You have to wait the mud dry up before washing it off at the sea itself.
The unusually high salt content enables one to float effortlessly even though you are damn heavy.
Hubbie having fun!
Dead Sea is one of the tourist attraction of Jordan so make sure you try the mud and float whatever style you want. hehe...
And here, we hope is not too late to wish you all have a good year ahead and may GOD bless you.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Petra, Jordan- One of the Seven Wonders of the World
Petra, the legendary lost city carved into the walls of a hidden desert canyon, is the most famous attraction in Jordan. I was not really excited about the trip in the beginning, because I knew I am going to walk a lot until my knees hurt. But after all, I think it is worth to visit Petra once in your lifetime because those carved walls is really marvellous. Being a city girl like me, I have a high regard for it and its really deserves the name being one of the seven wonders of the world.
Basically, if you plan an one day trip to explore the whole Petra, that's gonna be too rush and I pretty sure you are not going to finish the hiking. Unless, you taking those Mercedeez Benz and BMW in Petra. Haha..yeah camels and horses are known as Benz and BMW in Petra~with air conditioned which is the natural wind. By riding those animals, you can save your time and energy and of course a big hole in your pocket too. But in my opinion, you will not able to feel or enjoy the unique of the place if you riding the animals for the whole day in Petra.
We planned 3 days 2 nights for our trip to Petra. The 1st day we walked as much as we could, at least we reached the Treasury and the Roman Theatre. And we went for the Petra night as well, which means we walked to the Treasury again for the second time at night. Petra night is kinda special as they will put small lanterns along the road and lead us to the Treasury. I feel it's quite romantic to walk in dim light with ur partner with the cooling air. Once we reached the Treasury, the staffs will serves us hot tea and 2 performances by them. Nothing much to comment about their performance but I can say that they can prepare something more interesting to us.
On the 2nd day, we entered the Petra from the second gate which is nearer to the Monastery. Since we walked so much on the 1st day, the second day was planned to ride on the donkeys up to the Monastery. Monastery is located up to the hill and to get there you will need to climb on an ancient rock-cut path of about 800 steps. So we rided on the donkeys and the experince was quite scarry. The rocks seems slippery and when I looked down to my left or right, it's high cliff! I am worry that the donkey was too tired and accidentally slipped then I will ended up my body down the cliff. The another thing that worried me was the guardian of my hubby's donkey is only 10 years old kid. He seems that he cant controlled the donkey well and always just let my hubby rides the donkey alone without guarding the donkey. But anyway, we were safe from the trip and we really enjoyed it.
Here are some pictures to show the magnificient place:
We went to Aqaba after Petra, just to relax and enjoy the Red Sea.
Basically, if you plan an one day trip to explore the whole Petra, that's gonna be too rush and I pretty sure you are not going to finish the hiking. Unless, you taking those Mercedeez Benz and BMW in Petra. Haha..yeah camels and horses are known as Benz and BMW in Petra~with air conditioned which is the natural wind. By riding those animals, you can save your time and energy and of course a big hole in your pocket too. But in my opinion, you will not able to feel or enjoy the unique of the place if you riding the animals for the whole day in Petra.
We planned 3 days 2 nights for our trip to Petra. The 1st day we walked as much as we could, at least we reached the Treasury and the Roman Theatre. And we went for the Petra night as well, which means we walked to the Treasury again for the second time at night. Petra night is kinda special as they will put small lanterns along the road and lead us to the Treasury. I feel it's quite romantic to walk in dim light with ur partner with the cooling air. Once we reached the Treasury, the staffs will serves us hot tea and 2 performances by them. Nothing much to comment about their performance but I can say that they can prepare something more interesting to us.
On the 2nd day, we entered the Petra from the second gate which is nearer to the Monastery. Since we walked so much on the 1st day, the second day was planned to ride on the donkeys up to the Monastery. Monastery is located up to the hill and to get there you will need to climb on an ancient rock-cut path of about 800 steps. So we rided on the donkeys and the experince was quite scarry. The rocks seems slippery and when I looked down to my left or right, it's high cliff! I am worry that the donkey was too tired and accidentally slipped then I will ended up my body down the cliff. The another thing that worried me was the guardian of my hubby's donkey is only 10 years old kid. He seems that he cant controlled the donkey well and always just let my hubby rides the donkey alone without guarding the donkey. But anyway, we were safe from the trip and we really enjoyed it.
Here are some pictures to show the magnificient place:
Clockwise: Monastery, Treasury at night, our donkeys on the 2nd day and Treasury in day time and the Siq.
We went to Aqaba after Petra, just to relax and enjoy the Red Sea.
I love holidays very much and will be going to Dead Sea Movenpick Resort to celebrate the coming Christmas!
Are they pretty to you?
I went to Phuket in 2007 on a company retreat event. It was great to have company trip, we could hang around together with colleagues and the best thing is it was FREE. I browsed through my Phuket photo album, I think the most interesting I saw from Phuket will be the "AQua". They are pretty from far but when you come so close to them, you will feel somehthing uneasy. I paid them to take picture with me! You even can pay to touch their body (the breast of course) if you like to do so. I forgot how much for it but it is definitely affordable prices :P
I look kinda pale and I think I did change a lot even only within 2 years.
They will keep yelling in very "hiao" tone asking you to take pictures with them.
So do you think they are pretty?
Well, I only have 3 pictures that can be posted here. Hope you guys enjoy watching it.
P/S: Maybe your wife or gf do not have big boobs, but after all, real women are still the best! Please appreciate :)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
2009 almost come to the end, this year is a good year to me indeed. The biggest celebration of the year will be my wedding of course. I praise the Lord as it went out smoothly and everything was great, giving me a great memory. We have travelled to Dubai, Taiwan, Egypt, London and Jordan this year giving me the great time of all. I never travel that frequent previously so thanks to hubby for bringing me along while he is working for his projects. Thanks to GOD too, that continously blessing us with health, happiness and fortune. I am just too happy this year.
Though I am happy, but deep in my heart I feel worry as well. Maybe you will wonder, what am I worry since I am happy? I am worry that one day I will lost all this happiness. Why am I thinking this way? Maybe I was frightened by my late brother incident. Deep in my heart I felt relunctant to accept the fate that my brother had an accident and passed away. I keep asking and wondering why do this happen to my family. Isn't it cruel to my parents to receive such news? They are kind and helpful, especially my papa. I just cant believe and feel unhappy. Year by years gone, I have no choice but to accept and indirectly give me a feeling of unsecure in my life that I might receive bad news anytime. Maybe I am not mature enough but I am just scare.
I try to enjoy my life everyday, hoping that everything will be fine. I do not need happy surprises everyday but I just hope everyone especially my hubbie and family members in good health. To face an unexpected lost is really pain :(
Every year when come to the end, people will try to recall what they have done and will have new resolution for the coming year. I do not know yet what's my next year resolution but all I hope is to be more confident in my life and live happily with my hubbie forever and ever. And of course not to forget my dearie parents to have a healthy body so that I can take good care and treat them well with no time limits. I will always open my mind with this poem:
Though I am happy, but deep in my heart I feel worry as well. Maybe you will wonder, what am I worry since I am happy? I am worry that one day I will lost all this happiness. Why am I thinking this way? Maybe I was frightened by my late brother incident. Deep in my heart I felt relunctant to accept the fate that my brother had an accident and passed away. I keep asking and wondering why do this happen to my family. Isn't it cruel to my parents to receive such news? They are kind and helpful, especially my papa. I just cant believe and feel unhappy. Year by years gone, I have no choice but to accept and indirectly give me a feeling of unsecure in my life that I might receive bad news anytime. Maybe I am not mature enough but I am just scare.
I try to enjoy my life everyday, hoping that everything will be fine. I do not need happy surprises everyday but I just hope everyone especially my hubbie and family members in good health. To face an unexpected lost is really pain :(
Every year when come to the end, people will try to recall what they have done and will have new resolution for the coming year. I do not know yet what's my next year resolution but all I hope is to be more confident in my life and live happily with my hubbie forever and ever. And of course not to forget my dearie parents to have a healthy body so that I can take good care and treat them well with no time limits. I will always open my mind with this poem:
Let me arise and open the gate,
to breathe the wild warm air of the heath,
And to let in Love, and to let out Hate,
And anger at living and scorn of Fate,
To let in Life, and to let out Death.
- Violet Fane
to breathe the wild warm air of the heath,
And to let in Love, and to let out Hate,
And anger at living and scorn of Fate,
To let in Life, and to let out Death.
- Violet Fane
I think today I am a bit emo but I feel better after wrote this out. At least is a good way for me to release the pressure inside my heart. Till then, I ended up this post with a relief smile and wishes you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Have a great year ahead and may the journey of your life be fragrant with new opportunities, your days be bright with new hopes and your heart be happy with love!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
London Bridge is Falling Down..
Haha..London bridge will not fall anymore. We went to London this year in September before going back to Kuala Lumpur for a break. Hubbie will get a free ticket back to his country every 3 months. He did went to London before, so basically this returning visit was because of me ( I never been to London) and Arsenal!
He is a super super Arsenal fans. During our visit, there was a match (Arsenal vs Wigan) on Saturday. We didn't book our ticket from the internet or buy at the counter, hubbie bought the tickets from those "black market" instead. The tickets were cheaper ( 70 pound for 2 tickets) and we were lucky to get the second row seats which were very near to the goal post. I am not a 100% soccer fans, but to watch it live is a different thing. I can feel the merry and it was really fun. That match was a good one too because Arsenal wins 4 over 0!
He is a super super Arsenal fans. During our visit, there was a match (Arsenal vs Wigan) on Saturday. We didn't book our ticket from the internet or buy at the counter, hubbie bought the tickets from those "black market" instead. The tickets were cheaper ( 70 pound for 2 tickets) and we were lucky to get the second row seats which were very near to the goal post. I am not a 100% soccer fans, but to watch it live is a different thing. I can feel the merry and it was really fun. That match was a good one too because Arsenal wins 4 over 0!
The stadium were so packed.
After a goal, the crowd will be "naik gila".
As usual, we did went to some tourist attraction places to take some pictures and enjoyed viewing the architecture in front of us.
Many people thought that this is the London Bridge, but "lala" ( lala in arabic means No). This is Tower Bridge. I was told it's lucky to see the bridge open. I am not sure how true it is but the next day, we really got cheap + good seats fot the Arsenal match!
Victoria Station and the Big Bus.
Shopping Paradise.
Taken while riding on the Big Bus.
London Eye.We did took picture of the Big Ben too..you can see it from my banner :)
Last but not least, the British Museum.
We just spent about 4 days 3 nights in London, and is definitely not enough. We still hoping to visit London again in future. I like their museums very much.
Wedding Flash
December seems like a month of romance, I am so happy to see lots of wedding pictures uploaded in Facebook. Well, wedding only happen once in a lifetime. Definitely the bride and bridegroom will try to give their best to their wedding night, hoping that it can be a memorable event in their life and also to their honour guests.
As for us, I decided to make a wedding flash to be display in our wedding night on March 2009. The flash will show how do we know each other from the start until we decided to get engaged. Though the flash is quite expensive but I think its really worth the money. Like now, whenever I am unhappy due to some arguement, I will watch our wedding flash again to remind me all the good times that we had and shouldn't argue or unhappy to each other because of something which is not worth. The flash is quite simple due to my last minute decision. I only gave about 1 month for the team to complete this and they are part timer! They are students from one animation college and I was their 1st customer. I would say the flash at least meet my minimum expectation. Have a look and what do you think?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Day You Went Away
Today my godsister told me that her aunty's husband passed away out of a sudden. Well this is an unexpected as he just happily visited Sandakan and returned to Johor Bahru. This case reminded me about my brother.
Yes, I used to have an elder brother but he passed away for about 5 years ago. Time pass really fast that I don't even notice that he had left us for about 5 years. I still remember clearly the scene when I visited him in the hospital once I arrived in Sandakan. My heart feels pain and the pain somehow cannot be explained easily until you feel it urself. My brother used to be a very healthy person and looking at him with hurts everywhere sleeping on the bed makes me feel hoping that it was a dream! I just cant bare to see him suffering like that. He had to depend on the machine to help him breathing and he can never open his eyes. I talked to him, I am not sure if he can listen to me as the doctor told me that he was unconcious but I can see tears from the edge of his eyes. I just feel miserable and do not what to do.
I went home after that and once I reached home, papa came to hug me and cried. I never see my papa cry and that was the 1st time. I saw my mummy sitting quietly in the sofa that i knew she must be feeling helpless and do not know what she can help his son. From that moment, I knew that I must be strong to support both of them or else no one can help them. And from that day, my status in the family change as well. I seems to become the leader of the house that whatever they do or plan to do must get a supportive remark from me.
My brother suffered in ICU for about 2 weeks before he pass away. I am still Ok with this because at least he slowly let me accept that he failed in the battle. I can see that he suffered a lot too or maybe to let him go was the best for him. I have tried so hard to make him awake but it just in vain. Until today, I do not know how did the accident happen and the policeman is just useless. I really do not expect much from them but they are really terrible.
From this incident, I did learned some lessons.
1) Do not waste time to seek help from buddhist bomoh. I do not know how should I address them, but I do really think they just like bomoh. What they told me seems so stupid and do not bring any help at all. I still did what as instructed by them because my brother's girlfriend and my brother himself is a buddhism. I am just trying to respect what they had believe so far.
2) Good friends are like precious. We have lots of friends and neighbours came to our house to ask about the progress. My brother's accident was out in the local newspaper and seems like it was the HOT topic during that time. For those who came and ask about the progress, I can see that some do no feel sad at all. They just came to see how suffer or how unhappy we were.
3) I should believe in GOD and seek for his help. Due to my brother is a buddhism, I was ashamed to seek help from GOD.
4) Live as it there is no tomorrow. I know this sounds weird but I am just trying to say that we should live our life happily and do something for yourself. Do not think that you are young enough to delay ur dreams or you still have lots of time to spare. Accident happens anytime. You will definitely regret!
5) Love your family more. I was regretted that I do not spend enough time to care my brother.
I just hope he is happy in his world now.
Yes, I used to have an elder brother but he passed away for about 5 years ago. Time pass really fast that I don't even notice that he had left us for about 5 years. I still remember clearly the scene when I visited him in the hospital once I arrived in Sandakan. My heart feels pain and the pain somehow cannot be explained easily until you feel it urself. My brother used to be a very healthy person and looking at him with hurts everywhere sleeping on the bed makes me feel hoping that it was a dream! I just cant bare to see him suffering like that. He had to depend on the machine to help him breathing and he can never open his eyes. I talked to him, I am not sure if he can listen to me as the doctor told me that he was unconcious but I can see tears from the edge of his eyes. I just feel miserable and do not what to do.
I went home after that and once I reached home, papa came to hug me and cried. I never see my papa cry and that was the 1st time. I saw my mummy sitting quietly in the sofa that i knew she must be feeling helpless and do not know what she can help his son. From that moment, I knew that I must be strong to support both of them or else no one can help them. And from that day, my status in the family change as well. I seems to become the leader of the house that whatever they do or plan to do must get a supportive remark from me.
My brother suffered in ICU for about 2 weeks before he pass away. I am still Ok with this because at least he slowly let me accept that he failed in the battle. I can see that he suffered a lot too or maybe to let him go was the best for him. I have tried so hard to make him awake but it just in vain. Until today, I do not know how did the accident happen and the policeman is just useless. I really do not expect much from them but they are really terrible.
From this incident, I did learned some lessons.
1) Do not waste time to seek help from buddhist bomoh. I do not know how should I address them, but I do really think they just like bomoh. What they told me seems so stupid and do not bring any help at all. I still did what as instructed by them because my brother's girlfriend and my brother himself is a buddhism. I am just trying to respect what they had believe so far.
2) Good friends are like precious. We have lots of friends and neighbours came to our house to ask about the progress. My brother's accident was out in the local newspaper and seems like it was the HOT topic during that time. For those who came and ask about the progress, I can see that some do no feel sad at all. They just came to see how suffer or how unhappy we were.
3) I should believe in GOD and seek for his help. Due to my brother is a buddhism, I was ashamed to seek help from GOD.
4) Live as it there is no tomorrow. I know this sounds weird but I am just trying to say that we should live our life happily and do something for yourself. Do not think that you are young enough to delay ur dreams or you still have lots of time to spare. Accident happens anytime. You will definitely regret!
5) Love your family more. I was regretted that I do not spend enough time to care my brother.
I just hope he is happy in his world now.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
UP by Disney Pixar
I just watched this movie alone in the middle of the night. I have heard of this movie few months ago, and always wanted to watch it but hubby said he cant find any source for UP. We didn't watch it in cinema because we were in Egypt when the movie is up. Thanks GOD, finally I found it in Amman here. There is a guy selling pirated DVDs at the street (beside got policeman but they just don't care) and I saw UP! I feel so happy that I finally can get it.
I feel so touched that Carl trying his best to keep his promise to his wife. Both Carl and Ellie are lovely and really teach the audience to love their partner forever no matter what happens. They are inseperable, sharing every moment of joy and sadness together. And the house is lovely with balloons! I do think that we need to watch comic sometimes, though the scene seems not realistic, but we dont have to be realistic all the time! Is good to have dreams, maybe the dreams might sounds stupid but I do believe people with dreams only will find it worth to be still alive in this earth.
I am gonna ask hubby to watch this movie and I dont mind watching it again for the second time. There is somehting that hubby should learn from Carl :)

I feel so touched that Carl trying his best to keep his promise to his wife. Both Carl and Ellie are lovely and really teach the audience to love their partner forever no matter what happens. They are inseperable, sharing every moment of joy and sadness together. And the house is lovely with balloons! I do think that we need to watch comic sometimes, though the scene seems not realistic, but we dont have to be realistic all the time! Is good to have dreams, maybe the dreams might sounds stupid but I do believe people with dreams only will find it worth to be still alive in this earth.
I am gonna ask hubby to watch this movie and I dont mind watching it again for the second time. There is somehting that hubby should learn from Carl :)
I hope my dream house can be fly up by balloons too! It is much more nicer than hot air balloon.

Russell, he is such a cute boy. I hope my future son will be like him!
The fancy collar that Dug's wearing is something that I need so that I will not phobia of dogs anymore. At least, I know when the dog is going to bite me.
I love this movie and I hope hubby will keep his little promise to me too. Darling, please don't "loosing air" around the house. The smell is killing!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Yeah, we went to Taiwan this year after our wedding. The trip was a sudden plan as my hubby had discontinued his contract in Dubai and while waiting for his new contract, we decided to go for our honeymoon. Since it was a sudden plan and after the wedding I am definitely exhausted, so we go for a tour vacation by Apple Holiday.
The trip was good, very relaxing except for the morning call. We almost woke up at 7am everyday except on the last day of the tour which is free and easy day. When I browsed through the Taiwan pictures, I think is good to blog about the food we had in Taiwan which I think will be more interesting.
Let's get started!
The trip was good, very relaxing except for the morning call. We almost woke up at 7am everyday except on the last day of the tour which is free and easy day. When I browsed through the Taiwan pictures, I think is good to blog about the food we had in Taiwan which I think will be more interesting.
Let's get started!
Long ice cream from Taiwan. I had combination flavour of mango and green tea.
Sotong bakar. Not a nice one :(
Pinkie guava. This is really a nice fruit.
This is the white bitter gourd. I was told by the Taiwanese tour guide is good to heal pimples. And it is good to drink the juice everyday to keep a good complexion.
This is the famous "Ah Zhong Mian Xian". Basically the soup is made of oyster sauce.
This restaurant located at Ximending.
Modern Toilet famous for its dessert.
They have some accessories for you to "camwhore". haha..
There was a day arranged to have the steam bath at the " Mountain Yang Ming". After the bath, we had this soup which is nourishing according to the tour guide. But the soup is a bit too oily.
We had farm stay as well. This is the fresh cow milk and its really really very fresh!
Milk steamboat! Double thumbs up.
According to my tour guide again, this is the Taiwan most delicious beef noodle and is located at Jiufen. I am not sure how true it is, but the queue was really long and this is the best food I had in Taiwan.
This is the big mushroom's tangkai.
This is one of my famous street food.
Yeah! My kungfu panda Haagen Dazs ice cream. Taiwanese really creative.
Last but not least, members of the tour. We had a great time together though we only know each other from the trip.
Taiwanese ladies are really pretty and sweet. Their skin soft like beancurd and their voice just like little kitten. I think if I am a man, I would love to have a Taiwanese gf too. Because of the ladies are too beautiful, I know is hard to stop my hubby busy looking at those ladies. I am so generous to let him see until he think is enough. haha..Anyway, even myself cant stop looking at them.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Ancient Egypt
Before we moved to Amman, we were staying in Cairo for about 3 months from mid of June to earlier September. Hubby worked for a small project there thus we only stayed there for a short period. My experience in Cairo was really a bad one. The reason I commented bad is because of the local people and the weather! When we touched down Cairo, once we carried out our luggages from the airport, the weather was really killing! I spent most of my time staying in the hotel before we moved to our apartment. I just don't feel to go out. To your surprise, most of the taxi in Cairo looks like the picture below:

Yes!No kidding. Most of the taxis looks like this with no aircon.
I still remembered my hubby commented on his FB status saying that the taxi drivers in Cairo are "horny". The "horny" that he mentioned is not because they are "hamsap" but they just like to horn. Average, every 10 seconds will horn once. 3 lanes become 5 lanes and they are driving really fast. They are very impatient too, like to overtake cars. Everytime when I sat on those taxis, I will be very worry that I will die in the next minute. They just make me feeling not save. Till then, my hubby decided to rent a car and drive on his own.
Staying 3 months in Cairo, we definitely make some visits to those tourist attraction places. The Egyptian Museum is something that cannot be missed.
You can see the Rosetta stone and royal mummies in this museum. If you wish to see the royal mummies, you will have to pay extra 100 Egyptian Pound on top of the entry fee to the museum. To me, there is nothing interesting here except the royal mummies room and the Tutankhamun room.For other displays, there are not much description. So when I looking at the antique, I have no idea what it is use for.
Next, will be Pyramid!
The Great Sphinx of Giza is a statue of a reclining lion with a human head that stands on the Giza Plateau. It is the oldest known monumental sculpture.
The Great Pyramid of Khufu, the only one of the seven wonders of the ancient world still remaining and still the tallest pyramid of all.
I will say that the best time to visit Pyramid will be in October or November when the weather gets colder. The structure inside the pyramid is magnificient and you must to try to climb up. The path that leads you to the treasure room or where the mummie placed is really amazing. You will never imagine that's how it looks!And again to enter the Pyramid itself, you will need to pay extra on top of the entry fee, I forgot the amount but you can always goggle for it or check it in Lonely Planet. The Pyramid compound is kinda big, so you can take camel ride around the Pyramid.Make sure you bargain for a good price. We drove to the Pyramid so no way they can earn from us. haha...
We celebrated our 10th years being together in Cairo as well. Yeah, I am 26 this year and we started to date since Form 4. Hubby brought me for a lunch in Hard Rock Cafe, tea time in Cairo Tower and following by dinner at Pharoahs.

Cairo Tower. You can view the whole city of Cairo from its top floor. Of course you will need to pay just like our Menara Kuala Lumpur. We were kinda relaxing during our visit because the top floor is open air so you can enjoying the wind while viewing the sunset.

Pharoahs is the name of a restaurant but this restaurant is on a boat as you can see from the picture above. The decorations inside the boat just like ancient Egypt and the boat will cruise around the Nile River. They serve Internaltional buffet with performance by their staff. One of the best perfomance was the "Whirling Dance".

It was really a good performance. The guy keep spinning and spinning with lots of styles.
We did planned a weekend trip with our Malaysians friends in Cairo to Alexandria as well. Alexandria famous for its beaches, seafood and its breezy weather.
Nice beaches~

Members of the trip. I miss baby Ning Ning so much. We visited the Pompey as well. You can see the The sphinx guarding the Pompey's pillar. The Fort is very nice too, we passed by the Fort when taking our lunch.

Guess what building is this?????
It's a library!!!!! A famous piece of architecture in Alexandria.
Hubby told me that we will back to Egypt again to visit the Luxor, Abu Simbel and Aswan. We just have not complete visiting the whole Egypt. As a conclusion, I think Egypt is a nice place to visit but definitely not for living.
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