Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rome-capital of Italy

We went to Rome in May 2007. My experience in Rome was not a good one. To me Rome is a dangerous city. There are many a lot of beggars, picpockets and people in the street looks so devilish~

We rented a room near the train station and the owner did advice to take extra careful when walking around on our own. The MRT and the streets are really dirty. I think Kuala Lumpur is even better. However, those tourist attraction places are definitely clean!

Colosseum and Trevi fountain. We did turn around and threw a coin over our shoulder. I think you could be rich by picking up the coins inside the fountain but make sure you do it in the late midnite when nobody is there!
You can easily find gelato in Rome and is really cheap. We had gelato for at least 3 times a day when we were there :)
Vatican Museum, a place that cannot be missed!
Not to forget, a kiss from me before we go!

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